Phase 2 begins!

After a long break it was great to see some familiar faces arrive in Garston Woods. We are beginning the harvesting of materials needed to construct the buildings at the new Visitor Centre.

Our coup is very close to the one that we harvested last time and it was great to see the hazel growing back strongly. We are coppicing in the same way as the first phase of the project with all of the collected rods being tied into bundles. This makes the job of counting the number collected easier and also allows the rods to be transported more efficiently.

Volunteers busy coppicing

Volunteers busy coppicing

The main difference this time is that all of the experiments are complete and so we are now trying to harvest efficiently because we have a lot of material to collect.

The first week's gathered hazel.

The first week’s gathered hazel.

The first week has flown by with all our volunteers working incredibly hard, fuelled of course, with tea and biscuits.

The most important item in the woods!

The most important item in the woods!